Around Italy in 6 weeks


Am I the worst in updating or what? (Don’r answer that)

As part of an exchange program from university and thanks to a scholarship from an anonymous and generous donor, I was able to live the Roman Holiday, bask in the sun of Tuscany, go wine-tasting in the mountains, and study an amazing culture and its art! 

I haven’t even begun to tell the tales of my trip to Japan from last summer (remember that??) or my trip to NYC with my boyfriend. 

Please follow me as I share my experiences once more of the amazing journeys I took part in, and share your thoughts with me, too! 


驚き (へへ)


実は、交換留学だった^^本当に楽しかったわよ。。。(> m < )



はい、Let’s begin!

On our way to Florence from the airport!  それではフィレンツェに行こう!
On our way to Florence from the airport!
On the bus with classmates!  友達とバスに!
On the bus with classmates!
Couldn't fall asleep...too excited!  眠ることができなかった...興奮していた!
Couldn’t fall asleep…too excited!
Our dormitory building was an old monk monastery! Modest and beautiful building.  私たちの寮は、修道院にあった!
Our dormitory building was an old monk monastery! Modest and beautiful building.
Dorm windows!
Dorm windows!
Welcome to our dorm room! My roommate was so nice~ 寮の部屋へようこそ!私のルームメイトは、とても素敵でした~
Welcome to our dorm room! My roommate was so nice~
As I opened my shutters for the first time, seeing this gave me "goosebumps..." 鳥肌!!
As I opened my shutters for the first time, seeing this gave me “goosebumps…”
Both buildings belonged to the monastery.  修道院の建物。
Both buildings belonged to the monastery.
The view from my dorm room window, overlooking the garden. 住宅の建物の庭。
The view from my dorm room window, overlooking the garden.
There was a balcony in our room!  部屋にはバルコニーがありました!
There was a balcony in our room!
The common room for students.  学生コモンルーム。
The common room for students.
View outside the common room! 談話室の外!
View outside the common room!
Our class ate breakfast and dinner at this amazing restaurant everyday!  毎日、クラスはこの素晴らしいレストランで朝食と夕食を食べました!
Our class ate breakfast and dinner at this amazing restaurant everyday!
The restaurant's typical menu! レストランのメニュー!
The restaurant’s typical menu! レストランのメニュー!

Well, that sums it up for my residence building and arrival! Next post I’ll talk about the palace bellow and share some stunning photos:

Our residence was closest to the Medici Palace!  レジデンスは、メディチ宮殿に近いでした!
Our residence was closest to the Medici Palace!

Medici family was one of the most powerful and richest families in Florence, ruling on-and-off for many years. メディチ家は、ルネサンス期のイタリア・フィレンツェにおいて銀行家、政治家として台頭。Now the palace is a large museum with beautiful gardens, antique fashion and furniture, and rare art collections….one of my favourite places in Florence!

I’ll share the photos next time!


